Saturday, June 02, 2012

Budapest Pocket Guide video

This is a YouTube video from the Budapest Pocket Guide book. This video is a little different from the other Budapest videos that I have posted. This one shows a lot of the famous buildings in the downtown area of the city. The video is accompanied by some famous classical music by Hungarian composers. You get a great idea of the diverse architecture  by looking at the buildings. Because the city is so old and because there was interaction with so many different cultures, Budapest is an architectural paradise. 

There are Roman ruins in the city, from the time that the Romans occupied a settlement in the area. There is also Ottoman architecture from the time that the Ottoman Turks occupied Budapest. Other architectural styles include; Renaissance, Gothic, Baroque, Classicism and Romantic. If you love architecture, then Budapest should be on your list to visit. In the 1980's, before the regime change, much of the city was in neglect and in need of renovation. This was due to decades of communist rule in Hungary. The communists didn't care much for things looking nice. Much of Budapest's buildings were grey and dark and lacked colour.

In the last two decades, the city is once coming back to life and it is much more colourful then it was before. The Hungarian Government and the City of Budapest realize the importance of making the capital look beautiful. Tourism in Hungary accounts for a lot of the yearly revenue. In the last twenty years, Budapest has changed for the better. The video is 8 minutes in length and gives you a good view of the sites. Please watch the video.

If you want to find out more about Budapest's architecture, please check this link:
