Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy March 15th Revolution Day!

Happy March the 15th! We would like to wish Hungarians around the world a happy March the 15th Revolution Day (nemzeti ünnep). On this day Hungarians commemorate the Revolution and following War of Independence against the the Austrian Hapsburg rule in 1848-1949. This holiday is one of the most prominent in Hungary. On this holiday, Budapest is dressed up in red, white and green to celebrate. There are many events, speeches and performances that celebrate this day in Hungary. Unfortunately this year, many of the official events commemorating the 1848-1849 revolution have been cancelled. Terrible weather, which included snow and the extreme cold, have forced the government and authorities to cancel the events.

Many people in Hungary wear a cockade with the national colours (red, white and green) on March 15. Petőfi Sándor was a Hungarian poet and national revolutionary. He is considered to be Hungary's national poet and a key figure in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. Many Hungarians remember him and his famous poem on this day. This year's national holiday is considered to be especially important as Hungary once again faces a foreign political power (European Union) dictating to her. It seems that Hungary is facing yet another new political adversary. Hungary's quest for true freedom still continues in the 21st century. The current generation of young Hungarians must never forget our forefathers' struggle for freedom. It is just as relevant today as it was in the 19th century.
