Friday, August 17, 2012

What they're saying...

Just a few words that are being said about Hungary's fantastic performance at the London 2012 Olympics:

"With eight gold, four silver and five bronze medals, Hungary took 9th place in the final official medals table for the 2012 London Olympics. This is the first time since the 1992 Barcelona Olympics that Hungary has come in the top ten." (Hungarian government)

"The Hungarian Team finished in a very distinguished 9th place in the medal count. Securing 17 medals including 8 golds was an extraordinary performance considering the size of the country, and indeed Hungary was the most successful country overall in the kayak and canoe competition."  

-British Embassy, Budapest

"This is the first time since the 1992 Barcelona Olympics that Hungary has come in the top ten. Taking population size into account, Hungary was the most successful nation in Europe."

-Budapest Sun

"Some have called Hungary's 2012 Olympic performance a "miracle," but in reality, the miracle has been Hungary's historic performance since 1896. As seen below, Hungary's 17 medals and incredible 8th ranking in total Gold in London is exemplary of where Hungary has been for the last century!"

-American Hungarian Federation

"After political turmoil and economic debates at home and abroad, Hungary has made global headlines for all the right reasons: beating every expectation, the Hungarian national team closed the 2012 London Olympic Games with an outstanding result and finished ninth in the overall medal rankings."  

-Wall Street Journal 
