It is easier to take down and remove the globalists from
your country than you think. That is exactly what happened in Iceland a couple
of weeks ago. Nine people were arrested in London and Reykjavik for their
possible responsibility for Iceland’s financial collapse in 2008. The financial
collapse caused a huge public uproar in the country. Immense pressure from the
citizens of this country not only brought down a government but also drafted a
new constitution.
This was a revolution without weapons and guns. The people
of Iceland had successfully taken control of their government and kicked out
the globalist bankers. The interesting thing about this Icelandic revolution is
that it wasn't even covered by the globalist-friendly mainstream media. They
didn't want ordinary people in other countries to know that you can bring the
globalists down and remove them from your country. The globalists are able to
be defeated, it only takes people power to do so.